Thursday, June 21, 2012

party all night, sleep all day.

I typically stick to the middle school when I substitute teach, but every so often I get called to go in for an elementary teacher. It's always for the youngest kids, like UPK or kindergarten, and I never know what I'm doing, because I am used to prepubescent crazies, not little babies. I have gotten used to the whole group reading thing. The kids absolutely love it. I just sit up front with a picture book, they gather around me on the rug and I reel them in with my silly voices.

A few weeks ago, I was called in for a kindergarten class. I decided to bring in HORSEPLAY! written by Karma Wilson and illustrated Jim McMullan to read the little critters before lunch. It is a story about a farmer who has seemingly lazy horses. What the farmer eventually realizes is that the horses are not lazy at all, they simply stay up all night playing and frolicking around rather than sleeping. My kids loved the read, and could totally relate, they would much rather keep on playing than go to bed.


***For a chance to win a copy of this super adorable book, email your name, address and this title to:!

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