Sunday, May 27, 2012

here, let me make you smarter.

I know summer is upon us, and we are all far more interested in reading for pleasure than reading for learning. Bare with me. Or just leave this review for the teachers. Go on; pick up your raunchy summer read you cowards.

Author, Ann L. Mullen, of Degrees of Inequality: Culture, Class, and Gender in American Higher Education is very clear in her opinion that the US has NOT delivered on its promise to address the country's underlying social inequalities, regarding class and gender. Notice that I said class and gender, not race. Mullen includes interviews with undergraduates from Yale University and Southern Connecticut State, demonstrating a clear line dividing wealthy and poor students even though the colleges are merely two miles apart.  An interesting, yet not surprising aspect of Mullen’s research suggests that universities play their part in informally deselecting certain students. Athletes, for instance, receive double the admissions advantage over ethnic-minority applicants. Even academically talented students from poor backgrounds are unlikely to apply to elite institutions.
Women tend to go to college majoring in subjects that lead to lower paying jobs than men. My opinion? Women are more thoughtful. They think of what they can do for people and the world. Their goals tend to lean towards making a difference rather than making a living. Let’s be honest, our bodies were specifically designed to carry tiny human beings, and we can’t booze up for over a year. THAT my friends is selflessness. And maybe, those jobs that are highly populated by women (human services, childcare, education, etc.), you know, the ones that HELP people, should have their pay increased.  Boys, let’s just agree to disagree on this one.

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