Thursday, November 5, 2015

me, me, me, and then you.

As a human, I am mildly selfish. I do think about my feelings A LOT. Not to say I don't also do things I don't want to do for other people, I do. But day to day life? I'm my number one priority. How am I feeling? Do I need some alone time? Could I use a workout more than my husband needs a lunch packed? It's how I can function in society. There is a quote I saw recently, and the gist pretty much is, when you think about all the things you love, how long does it take until you mention YOU. Me? I'm number one. Loving myself and giving myself what I need helps me love others the way they need to be loved. That being said, there is a difference between loving myself and thinking that I am entitled to the moon and the stars and everything I see on etsy. That is the idea behind Amy McCready's The "ME, ME, ME" Epidemic. It's healthy for kids to think about themselves, but it's important that they aren't assholes.

Growing up, we had about zero dollars. I wanted for nothing. It got harder when I was in middle school and had a friend who's mom would take her on $500 shopping sprees to Abercrombie, and I was over here trying to make my only-pair-for-the-year name brand sneakers last as long as possible. But. I wanted for nothing. McCready is rightfully insisting that we break the cycle of entitlement among this young generation. They expect to get their way because you give them their way. DON'T HANDICAP YOUR CHILDREN BY MAKING THEIR LIVES EASY. Someone really smart said that. And McCready's program implements what you need to do to raise confident and independent, but also compassionate kids.

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