Monday, October 13, 2014

the truth behind dysfunctional behavior.

I pride myself on being a pretty independent person. I enjoy spending an abnormal amount of time alone with my thoughts, reading, shopping, etc.. I never spend a ton of time worrying about what people think of me, however, I did deal with that more than usual during wedding planning, but am almost back to my normal self. My point is, even the most confident people (like I always thought I was) have their moments when they feel paranoia, shame, dependent on others for validation. Making Darlene Lancer's Conquering Shame and Codependency: 8 Steps to Freeing the True You all the more universal.

Lancer labels herself a "textbook example of codependency" right in her intro. She touches on past relationships and how she always settled for less than she deserved, less than she needed, because she was so unaware of her self worth. Shame is a huge premise in this book. Hiding what society may view as shameful from others. Shame about your family, shame of a failed relationship (or a toxic one), shame of an addiction. So many people wait to hit rock bottom, shocking those they have been hiding from before they can get the help that they need, that is, if there's still time. Lancer has 8 steps. 8 steps that will help you find yourself. And at this point, it's worth a try, right?

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