Monday, November 30, 2015

fact or fiction?

I hope everyone had a splendid holiday weekend filled with only people you actually like. Since I literally do nothing to contribute to Thanksgiving, minus arriving hungry, I had a lot of spare time to read Judy Blume's In the Unlikely Event which dates back to the early 1950's, when aviation was up and coming. This book follows 15-year-old Miri Ammerman along with her friends and family in the small town of Elizabeth, New Jersey. During an 58-day span, THREE planes went down out of Newark airport, killing people near and dear to not only Miri, but her friends as well. These crashes changed every character we met in some way or another, and while I did enjoy the book, even though I was constantly nervous, waiting for the next crash, I didn't love how it ended. I didn't love how families were broken, and young love spoiled. But I get why Blume went all dark. Nothing super joyful can come out of three plane crashes.

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