Tuesday, April 15, 2014

get excited about strength training.

Everybody knows that if you really want to lose weight and see your body change FAST, then you need to incorporate strength training into your fitness routine. Especially the girls. I've been adding two days a week of heavier weight training myself to prepare for my special day that is less than three months away. I also consistently take classes at my gym that incorporate circuits with weights and cardio. It's hard for me to explain because I'm not all scholarly when it comes to exercise science, so I'll let Nick Tumminello take it from here.

The basis of Strength Training for Fat Loss by Nick Tumminello is metabolic strength training which he explains thoroughly in chapters 4-6 using his three C's: Strength Training Circuits, Strength Training Complexes, and Strength Training Combinations. In these three chapters, Tumminello not only clearly states what each concept means, he also includes the exercises involved using common gym equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, stability balls, resistance bands and cables. These practices are high intensity, and who doesn't like doing cardio and strength training at once? They use your entire body, so no more wasting your time working one muscle group at a time. Tumminello's circuits are a great way to spice up your routine, get you motivated, and see fat loss results FAST.

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