Thursday, October 24, 2013

the literal crazy and rich.

Crazy Rich by Jerry Oppenheimer is the story of the famous Johnson family. You know, the ones who brought you the Band-Aid and Johnson's Baby products that make your baby smell like a baby.  Not surprising to many of you I’m sure, but the Johnson’s have a lot of issues, and Oppenheimer is happy share all of the dysfunction so that we can feel better about our own families – 500 pages of it.

This biography begins as most do, at the beginning. The Johnson dynasty originated with three relatively uneducated, but ambitious brothers, Robert, James, and Edward Mead Johnson. Crazy Rich includes the glory, along with all of the scandals, tragedies, and misfortune. We are talking generations of skeletons here people, a giant mess. I know we shouldn’t be entertained by other people’s bad luck…but it’s just toooooo crazy not to participate. Sorry Johnson’s.

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