Wednesday, July 31, 2013

well if jodi picoult likes it, i like it.

Is This Tomorrow by Caroline Leavitt is dedicated to all you outsiders out there. It's the 1950's and Ava Lark is not only a single parent who works outside of the home because she is divorced, but she's also Jewish, and that apparently makes her a leper in the burbs of Boston where she moves her and her twelve-year-old son Lewis to. She's also pretty, heaven forbid, so the only people who treat her nicely are the husbands (of course).

When Lewis's closest and only friend, Jimmy goes missing, everyone blames the Jew (no surprise there), but as Ava thought of the boy as a second son, she is hit pretty hard by his disappearance. All the main characters feel guilty in their own ways, and the second half of Is This Tomorrow moves forward in time, following Ava, Lewis, and Jimmy's sister Rose, portraying how the loss of Jimmy affects them over the years.

"With characters so real they feel technicolor, a plot that beats like a racing pulse, and prose so lovely that sometimes I found myself repeating the words out loud, Is This Tomorrow is the novel you need to read today" - Jodi Picoult. Yeah, what she said, and more.

On a side note, the audio book is fantastic as well. The narrator has a nice reading voice, and I like that in a narrator.

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