Monday, February 20, 2012

read and then pass it on to someone like you.

As a (wannabe) career woman, I was extremely excited to receive a copy of Sharpen Your Heels: Mrs. Moneypenny's Career Advice for Women by Mrs. Moneypenny to read and review. She begins with the question that we ask ourselves often, "What can I do to give myself the best chance of career success?" I mean, for me, getting a job would be a start, and the first chapter shows us how to be the one who gets the job in such a competitive market. Yes, please. Mrs. Moneypenny goes into a big spiel about getting your MBA, for all of you business babes out there. But really, the advice on ways to boost your confidence by gaining the experience you need to meet a jobs qualifications will help women in any field.

The rest of the chapters touch base on the following: In life, it is all about who you know. No matter what the job. Network people! But if you're like me and have an inappropriate blog and an even more inappropriate Facebook page, don't. And don't use age as an excuse, says Mrs. Moneypenny, it is never too late. Finally and most importantly, you are NOT superwoman. As women, we tend to think that we can handle anything and everything. Everyone has their limits, and should learn how to say "no" when necessary. Take it from me. When I get called to substitute teach and the job that day does not sound appealing, I start with the "ehh, hmmm....I don't knowwww," and they ALWAYS have a cooler job available that they are hiding. Orrrr don't take any advice from me at all.

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